This is the Rev3 of the Plaid-Pad pcb.More info's in the changelog below.
Preflashed firmware, with support for VIAL Configurator, easy customize keymap without coding, compiling or flashning
The rotary encoder are assign to F17-F24 and you can customize the behavior with Karabiner-Elements (OSX) or AutoHotkey (WIN), or now with VIAL
If you don't like the aditional software, you can customize all keys and rotary encoder with the QMK firmware
Support for a 0.91 Inch oled display (SSD1306) (not included)
Black kit has a gold plated pcb and brass slotted screws
White kit has a silvery plated pcb and stainless steel screws (T6 Torx)
USB-C connector
MX (3-Pin, 5-Pin), Choc and ChocV2 switch support
Supports up to 4 Rotary Encoder (top row, or right column)
Positions for the Rotary Encoder are interchangeable with switches
Only through-hole parts (easy to solder)
QMK Firmware (keymap files)
Great companion to the Plaid keyboard
Build Guide
This is the pre installed keymap for the Plaid-Pad.You can find more keymaps here.
The USB-C connector is a bit difficult to solder. I can do it for you. "Soldering service for USB-C connector"
Top, mid and bottom pcb (choose color)
2mm clear acrylic guard plate (has bluish protection film)
Solder parts with pre flashed Atmega328 (USBaspLoader and QMK firmware with VIA support)
Spacer and screws (white kit: stainless steel with T6 Torx, black kit: brass slotted screws)
Rubber feeds
You also need:
16x switches (3pin, or 5pin)
Optional: rotary encoder (0-4x)
Optional: Oled display (SSD1306 - 0.91 Inch 128x32 I2C)
USB-C cable
Slotted screwdriver (black variant), or T6 Torx screwdriver (white variant)
Soldering iron & solder
Files for a simple 3d printable case, drawings for the guard plate and dampening foam are available here.
Photos of the completed kit are for demonstration purposes only.Please note that this kit must be assembled (soldering) and does not include switches or keycaps.
Support for a SSD1306 oled display (I2C Pins C4/C5)
Removed the 2 indicator LEDs (Pin C4/C5)
Added a power indicator LED
Changed case mounting style back to the previous style (spacer mounted between mid PCB and bottom plate) - fix ChocV2 issue from REV2.1
Bigger solder pads for the USB-C connector (a bit easier to solder)
Support for Choc V2 switches (issue that the keycap touch the mounting screw, if bottoming out)
Changed case mounting style (spacer go through the pcb and screwed on the top and bottom plate)
Rev2 (Rev1.1)
Pcb's with the label Rev1.1 are Rev2 (fixed with the second ordered batch)
Optional: up to 4 Rotary Encoder
Support for 3pin switches with the new top plate
Add a small PLAID-PAD text beneath the USB-C connector
Initial pcb design
Optional up to 2 Rotary Encoder
With the software "Plaid Pad MIDI" (by Mitchell van Manen), you can use the Plaid-Pad as a Midi device.